The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 47: “The Grave Is No Bar to My Call”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Rand tells Mat and Perrin that Ingtar’s biting the big one. Let’s go take the Horn of Valere to where it belongs and blow this popsicle stand and never, ever look back!

Outside town, Perrin wonders what Rand meant by “where it belongs”, and Mat wonders if Rand is continuing to lose what little marbles he has left. Rand butts in and says he’s going back to Falme to find Egwene and get some pussy. Perrin and Mat look back and see the Seanchan armies falling into rank. All for Rand and his puny team of puny men!

Hurin looks the other way and sees Whitecloaks marching up to Falme. At first relieved that it appears to be a Seanchan/Whiteclock battle a’brewin’, the group is still left with nowhere to go. Mat decides, hey why not, let’s blow the horn!

Mat blows the horn!

Fog starts sweeping the land. Oh no!

Remember Bornhald? I barely do! But he hears the horn and sees the fog and gets very suspicious about what the Seanchan are up to. He orders his band of Whitecloaks to CHAARRRRGE!!!

Amidst the fog, Rand and Co. can see Bayle Domon’s ship still docked in the distance. Hurin notices historic men and women charging through the fog, whom Rand recognizes as figures such as Artur Hawkwing and similar who-cares mythical beings. They talk to Rand, who mentions needing the Seanchan pushed back to the sea and Egwene saved from them. They all refer to Rand as “Lews Therin”, which pisses him off.

Hawkwing asks Rand if he has the banner, and he indeed does! *unfurls Nazi flag* Wow! All the pieces are here! The Dragon banner! The Horn! The battle and the people and the thing! Mat sounds the horn! Perrin flies the banner! Battle! Glory! Oiled muscles!

Suddenly, everyone around Rand disappears in the fog and Ba’alzamon appears before him! He refers to Rand as “Lews Therin”, which pisses him off. Pisses him off further after Ba’alzamon is all like “didn’t the good guys call you that too?” He calls Rand a fool for sounding the horn; now the bitches in the White Tower will stop at nothing to make sure he’s in chains. Then something weird happens where the Seanchan/Whitecloaks battle mirrors the Ba’alzamon/Heroes of the Horn battle, and once Rand realizes that his heron sword appears to hurt Ba’alzamon, and, after getting shivved in the side, he is able to plunge his sword into Ba’alzamon’s heart.

Whoa doggies! Things are getting real now! How much realer can it get, fam? Let’s keep reading!

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