The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Prologue: “In the Shadow”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Welcome back to my soon-to-be-but-not-really-complete read of the Wheel of Time series! After a brief hiatus, I’m back to tackle the land of *checks book* … the world where this takes place doesn’t have a name. But don’t worry about that! We can just all it “Ohio”. Let’s continue with the prologue of The Great Hunt.

The man who calls himself Bors is a man who calls himself Bors. He will call himself Bors until the end of the prologue. He’s in a room with hundreds of other people. A door opens, and a scary Myrddraal enters the room! Those are those Ultra-Trollocs who have +4 armor bonuses and can cleft your butt in twain. Even more twain than it already is!

Oh ho ho, but it’s not just a Myrddraal who enters the Royal Chamber of Awful Men (and Women). It’s You-Know-Who himself! He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named! It’s the Wheel of Time’s Voldemort. Ba’alzamon. Old Ba’allsy. He commands his little collection of followers to bend the knee and grovel. The Day of Return draws near! The world will be broken again and remade. Wheel of Time be damned! And everyone will be filthy, stinkin’ rich! Except… you. *points*

Next, Ba’alzamon creates a few apparitions to appear before them all: Mat, Rand, and Perrin. The Man Who Will Hitherto Refer to His Own Fucking Self as Something Stupid Like Bors is astonished to see the Rand-like figure holding a heron-hilt sword! BUH-WHAT!! BRRRRTT!!! HUBLUBUBLUB!!! The room is encouraged — nay, commanded — nay, FORCED — to find these three for a reward of seven pickles and a comic book.

Bors McFadden is personally tasked with confusing directions, which he blindly obeys even though he has no idea what the hell Ba’alzamon is telling him. Something about Tamon Head and those who landed there. Something about work to do on Almoth Plain. Yada yada yada. Typical prologue shit where a character you don’t know is told things you don’t know either.

The last bit of helpful information is that Bors changes back into his street clothes after the Ba’alzamon pow-wow: a white clock with a sun on it. This will come up later, I assure you. Also, “Bors” will probably have a name that’s an anagram. Like “Sorb”.

End Prologue.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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