Jane’s Journey, Chapter 4 – Trouble in Winterwood


Main Quest
Synchronize the Three Blighted Pillars of the Ages
Rank: Epic
0 ticks out of 40

Quest #1
Retrieve the Draught of Healing Miasma
Rank: Dangerous
8 ticks out of 40

Quest #2
Become an Apprentice at the College of Winterwood
Rank: Formidable
0 ticks out of 40


Enter the Inn
–Sojourn -> miss = sleep (with dream), no health, no resupply
–Pay the Price -> new danger or foe is revealed (mad innkeeper, yelling during sleep)
–Compel -> weak hit = +1 momentum, asks to clean the rooms for information
–Gather Information -> strong hit = +2 momentum, information on where to find the school


3 ticks out of 40
#1 – Jane’s village, Wolfspire
#2 – Wolfspire’s leader, Chief Hannion
#3 – Wolfspire’s head healer, Hirsham


When you Undertake a Journey, take +1 momentum on a strong hit. If you burn momentum to improve your result, also take +1 momentum after you reset.

When you take a drop of blood from a willing subject (not yourself) and cast the rune-carved stones, roll +heart. On a strong hit, you may read the runes to gain insight about the subject and people close to them, including information you and the subject have no knowledge of. If you use the reading to Gather Information, Compel, or Forge a Bond, add +1. On a weak hit, as above, but the runes reveal their secrets only with extra time and focus; suffer -2 momentum.

When you establish a false identity, roll +shadow. On a strong hit, you may add +2 when you make moves using this identity to deceive or influence others. If you roll a 1 on your action die when using your false identity, someone doubts you. Make appropriate moves to reassure them or prevent them from revealing the truth. On a weak hit, as above, but add +1 (instead of +2).


The Old World
The sickness moved like a horrible wave across the Old World, killing all in its path. Thousands fled aboard ships. However, the plague could not be outrun. On many ships, the disease was contained through ruthless measures —tossing overboard any who exhibited the slightest symptom. Other ships were forever lost. In the end, those who survived found the Ironlands and made it their new home. Some say we will forever be cursed by those we left behind.

Inscrutable metal pillars are found throughout the land. They are iron gray, and smooth as river stone. No one knows their purpose. Some say they are as old as the world. Some, such as the Iron Priests, worship them and swear vows upon them. Most make the warding sign and hurry along their way when they happen across one. The pillars do not tarnish, and even the sharpest blade cannot mark them.

Before the Ironlanders, before even the firstborn, another people lived here. Their ancient ruins are found throughout the Ironlands.

We live in communities called circles. These are settlements ranging in size from a steading with a few families to a village of several hundred. Some circles belong to nomadic folk. Some powerful circles might include a cluster of settlements. We trade (and sometimes feud) with other circles.

Leadership is as varied as the people. Some communities are governed by the head of a powerful family. Or, they have a council of elders who make decisions and settle disputes. In others, the priests hold sway. For some, it is duels in the circle that decide.

The wardens are our soldiers, guards, and militia. They serve their communities by standing sentry, patrolling surrounding lands, and organizing defenses in times of crisis. Most have strong ties to their community. Others, called free wardens, are wandering mercenaries who hire on to serve a community or protect caravans.

Magic is rare and dangerous, but those few who wield the power are truly gifted.

The people honor old gods and new. In this harsh land, a prayer is a simple but powerful comfort.

The firstborn have passed into legend. Some say the remnants of the old tribes still dwell in deep forests or high mountains. Most believe they were never anything more than myth.

The beasts of old are nothing but legend. A few who travel into the deep forests and high mountains return with wild tales of monstrous creatures, but they are obviously delusional. No such things exist.

Nothing but stories to frighten children.

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