Sucky Funnies for March 6, 2022

Welcome to the first Sunday of March. Spring is near. There’s a war in Europe. 2022 is in full swing! Today I have strips from Six Chix, Curtis, and Family Circus. Enjoy, or don’t, it doesn’t matter to me.

Six Chix

ix Chix - March 6, 2022

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Six Chix brings to light one of them many paradoxes of living life as a human being on this dumb Earth: Only the people in your own generation are any good. Every single person in the previous generation really sucks. Every single person in the following generation sucks even more. This Law of Humanity will continue until the sun becomes a red giant, engulfs all of life on Earth as we know it, and this trivial human nonsense can no longer perpetuate. That’s assuming we don’t colonize some other planet and ruin that one with our vapid generational squabbles as well.

Yeesh, that’s a depressing thought. Here, let’s forget I said anything. How about a nice Six Chix comic strip to take our minds off of it? Everyone point and laugh at the washed up old ranting man.


Curtis - March 6, 2022

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Curtis’ dad has nightmares about his oldest son every night. He’s tried a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a sleep counselor, copious amounts of alcohol, and about fourteen difference prescription-strength medications. Curtis’ mom keeps a gun in her nightstand with a single bullet in the chamber. Just in case.

Family Circus

Family Circus - March 6, 2022

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All four children from Family Circus have been conscripted into the Ukrainian army to help defend the nation against Putin’s ruthless invaders. We wish them all the best. Except for Jeffy. We all hope Jeffy doesn’t come back in one piece.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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