Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #5! In the previous installment, Silk spends quite a bit of time trying to fight off goblins in their secret Goblin Nation goblin lair while blowing off her coworkers, Mockingbird, and (accidentally; not her fault) Black Cat.
Eventually, the Goblin King shows up and says “ENOUGH, BITCHES!” He presents Silk with an opportunity to join the Goblin Nation to help vie for a perfect society, and when Silk refuses the goblins inject her with Goblin Juice and she becomes a dang goblin.
So, obviously, Silk will need help finding Goblin Antidote Juice and that mysterious electric hero that keeps showing up to save her will be just the guy to do it. And then it’ll be a celebration! TV dinners for all!
Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #5 [April, 2016]
Written by: Robbie Thompson
Flashback to eight months ago when Black Cat and Silk were fighting eachother upon a rooftop during a sultry, dusky evening.
“Fight back!” Black Cat says, kicking Silk in the face.
“No. I’m here to join you. Not fight you,” Silk responds, sliding 19 feet across the roof.
“Why the hell should I trust you?”
“You shouldn’t.”
Well, that settles that! And – oh, there’s more.
“But you will.”
Oh snap, girlfriend! And it turns out Silk was right! Except for the part where she got dosed with goblin cum and now she’s one of them. That’s what we call “switching loyalties” in the business. The ice cream truck business.
Flashforward back to the present. Black Cat asks her faithful Shrike companion what may have happened to the girl. Was she infected? Shrike is like “Hell naw, dogg. She tried to sell me out to the Goblin King, guy!” and asks Black Cat what she even saw in Silk in the first place. Useless trash. Worse than useless trash! Useless piffle!
At the Fact Channel offices, Cindy’s coworkers grow concerned about the lack of communication and the lack of showing-up-to-work-at-all. They reiterate that the last thing Cindy told any of them was “Need background info on a Doctor Ajay Kapoor.”
“Where the hell is she? I’ve called twice. Twice! That’s two times too many.” Looks like J. Jonah Jameson needs his Cindy Moon! Her coworkers cover for her and Jameson leaves “satisfied”.

Take a shot every time you hate Cindy Moon!
Mockingbird unmasked! She’s Bobbi Morse, and she’s annoyed with Cindy. Bobbi is in a bar with Super-Woman unmasked! That’s Jessica Drew, and she’s annoyed with Cindy. “Our protocols call for 12-hour check-ins. She hasn’t missed one until now,” says Bobbi.
“She’s way too inexperienced for this,” says Bobbi some more. “I shouldn’t have let her go undercover.”
Jessica slaps her friend and then shakes her violently and then slaps her again. Then says “you’re right.”
Finally, we check in at the Goblin Nation where the Goblin Silk is upending tables for no discernible reason. “That’s the spirit,” says the Goblin King.
Ol’ Kingy has a task for the newly anointed Goblin Silk: go kill Black Cat, m’kay? Thanks, chief.
Goblin Silk zips around town. While searching for the Cat of Blackness, she realizes she’s being followed…
It’s that mysterious electric twerp, and he tells her that she needs to stop. She goes “Die!” and lunges at him, but she’s no match for his mysterious electricness. “You need help… Cindy…”
Hearing her name snaps her out of it for the merest of the splittest of seconds, but then she takes a swing at him and demands that he leave her alone. She continues swinging around town while he stands there forlornly on the roof going “I’m sorry…”
Goblin King’s henchmen take him down to the library where they found Silk. “What was she looking for…?” he asks himself as he thumbs through a book he picked up off the floor. “Or rather… who was she looking for…?”
Shrike is trying to convince Black Cat that he is all she needs and that he’ll do everything great and awesome. She isn’t buying it, and she sees Goblin Silk barrel her way to the window behind Shrike.

Take the present for example. You’re about to get shredded by millions of shards of broken glass! Tee hee.
Goblin Silk crashes through the window and starts pummeling Shrike with ease. “You said you can do more for me…” Black Cat says, sipping her drink while Shrike gets beaten to death. “Now’s a good time to start.”
After a nice whuppin’, Black Cat declares that it’s been quite enough and then kicks Goblin Silk out of the now-broken window. “Now, I know Goblin Nation is tempting,” Black Cat says, hooking and throwing Goblin Silk back into the building with CRACK against the back wall. “But green just isn’t a good color on you, kid!”
Black Cat is really good at the not-getting-hurt part of fighting. She ensnares Goblin Silk in her whip. “But I think we can win you back. First and foremost… with our health care plan…” she draws a syringe full of Goblin Antidote Juice! I knew it! She jabs Goblin Silk in the arm. She starts wailing like a member of Bob Marley’s band! Get it?!
“There. That’s better, isn’t it?”
Silk has been ungoblinified, but she looks like warmed-over shit. While she recovers on the floor drunkenly, Black Cat ensnares Shirke in her whip and starts punching him right in his sensitive tummy over and over. “All the tech we’ve been stealing helped me create an antidote for the imitation-brand goblin formula Phil Urich and his pathetic Goblin Nation is peddling!
Black Cat kicks Shrike in the face. “I needed a guinea pig. And I had a feeling you weren’t to be trusted, so… two birds with one stone.”

Throw him in the laundry brig.
Black Cat smiles at Silk. “Sorry about the last couple days, kid. But you did good. You’re in. You’re one of us now.”
Silk tries to stay standing, feeling like absolute dogshit. “I’m in? Great. So. Now what?”
Black Cat gives her best Elvis sneer. “Now? We burn Goblin Nation to the ground.”
Then they both have sex on the floor. The end.
Final Thoughts
So who am I supposed to be rooting for here? Black Cat or the Goblin Nation? Both are bad, right? Am I supposed to care one way or the other, or am I supposed to say “Oh geeeez, Cindy, you’re in quite a pickle either way, aren’t ya?!”
Well, I won’t say it! I won’t!
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