Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4 – “The Tape (Part 1)”

* Part 4 of 5 of the My Life as a Weapon storyline *

Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4 – “The Tape (Part 1)”! In the previous installment, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop are involved in a high-speed chase after a mysterious redheaded woman (WHOM BARTON BONED) shows up in their lives. Using a slew of interesting custom arrows, each one more interesting than the last, Barton and Bishop thwart the assailants!

Then Barton and the Redhead kiss before her flight! D’oh!

We probably won’t be continuing that story. This issue is apparently about a tape. That sounds very *yawn* exciting, doesn’t it?

Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4 [January, 2013]
Written by: Matt Fraction
“The Tape (Part 1)”

Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4

“You ever kill anybody, Clint?” Kate Bishop asks as we see a quick scene of Hawkeye shooting someone with two prostitutes right in the eyeballs. Two arrows, two eyeballs. Do the math.

“’Scuse me?” Barton responds, spitting beer all over the place.

“Did you ever kill anybody?” she repeats. These two are on the roof of Barton’s apartment building. It’s an orange day outside, to be sure.

The guy who grills on the roof has a weigh-in about this: “HELL NO THAT BOY NEVER KILLED ANYBODY. THEY DON’T LET YOU IN THE AVENGERS IF YOU KILL PEOPLE.”

Thanks, Chief. Clint Barton argues that he ain’t no superhero. No powers, no moral compass, just a keen eye and some bows and/or arrows. That’s Clint, baby.

Suddenly, and I do mean suddenly, a large rectangular ship arrives and hovers above the building. Two superheroes descend upon ropes, kidnap Barton, and fly away immediately. No one on the roof seems to care. They think this is all just some Avengers shit.

And it is, coincidentally. Barton sits defiantly at a table with Maria Hill and Captain America. “The tape got out, Clint,” she says with a stern look of “go get fucked” on her face. “It’s out there. The videotaped record of Operation: Eucritta.”

Oh no! Maybe I can put it on my shelf next to my VHS of Operation Dumbo Drop.

Barton doesn’t know what to say, other than “whoops, how did that happen?” In fact, Barton intended to leak his sex tape “Clint’s Clits ‘n’ Cunts”, but not this! Plus, this was something S.H.I.E.L.D. was supposed to be on top of. Way to go, you clits and cunts.

Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4

Look, I just wanted to say “Clint’s Clits ‘n’ Cunts” one more time. Is that too much to ask?

Hill assures Barton that they’re on top of this and he need not worry. Barton freaks out a little bit. “How many tapes? Are there copies, or – Do I need to go on the lam or something?”

Captain America holds up his hand and, for some reason, starts talking. He basically says “it’s a VHS tape” as reassurance. Then he tells Barton that this is really bad. So, in short, thanks for saying something. We all feel better now.

“We have 72 hours before the tape goes up for auction in Madripoor. After that it’s out in the wild. You’re out. The whole operation is out.” This is Maria Hill talking now, piggybacking on Captain America’s soothing words. So guess what, Barton, you little scamp? S.H.I.E.L.D.’s gonna give you every penny it has for you to go to the auction and win back that tape! This seems like the least convoluted, and certainly least expensive, option! If you think of any other ideas, like “kicking ass and stealing the tape”, then, frankly, you’re full of beans.

Back at the apartment, Kate Bishop is still waiting up at 3am. She’s been worried sick, young man, and now you’re grounded. Barton advises her not to ask any questions, and also maybe go away somewhere far while Barton gets away somewhere far. NO QUESTIONS. Just do it and also bring some peanut butter.

“Clint…” Bishop says solemnly, “Can I have your stuff when you’re dead?” He says no. Go buy your own stuff. This is certainly a touching moment. Kate Bishop tells him that he’s got a lot of baggage, and he spends his 30 hour plane ride to Madripoor thinking about nothing else. The nerve of this chick, saying he has a lot of baggage. Why, if she doesn’t watch it he’ll unload all his mommy issues onto her! And furthermore…

Barton turns around and notices a group of mercenaries. They lead Barton into a secluded room and close the door. “They keep it professional. They keep it clean. They take me far enough away that nobody’ll hear any screams or yells or shouts, no matter how harsh the punishment. Good.”

Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4

Butter, gasoline, it all tastes good on toast, man.

And then Barton emerges alone! Laugh out loud moment right there, son. He slowly shuffles his way out of the airport. He hops into a cab and asks the driver to, quote, “take me where the action is.” He ends up at one of those glass coffee table shit shows! Ha! Or rather, Barton falls asleep in the cab and the driver attempts to steal his wallet out of his breast pocket. After subduing the driver, a couple of tough guys with red tribal tattoos all over their heads and bodies successfully render Barton useless and steal his wallet for their own damn selves. Now he is without money, identification, Hamburger Helper coupons, and an Avengers punch card where his 10th Salisbury steak is on the house. Luckily, his passport is still safe as is the S.H.I.E.L.D. card that can pay for anything and everything anyway, so we’re good to go. Whew! That was almost a problem!

So Barton takes the wheel of the cab continues to look for, quote, “where the action is.” Apparently, Maldripoor is a fake island created fakely by rich people, so 70% of it isn’t even populated! How much space can there really be for, quote, “where the action is”?

Well, people start hailing his cab and Barton, although happily taking their money, doesn’t know where anything is at. So that’s a problem. “If this was my job I’d absolutely be fired before lunch.”

Naturally, he books it out of the cab and has an early lunch!

Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4

It’s me, I’m the hobo.

And finally, Clint “Hawkeye” “Poopypants” Barton finds what he’s looking for: The Madripoor Pearl. A luxury hotel with 3000 rooms, a 2km exhibit hall, a 1.5km mall, an indoor amusement park, yada yada yada. Basically, this thing is the size of Manhattan and it’s the biggest eyesore in the city. It was probably next to the fucking airport.

Barton enters the lavish casino (where the action is) and looks like dogshit compared to the rest of the clientele. Immediately, and I do mean immediately, a group of agents pull a bag over Barton’s head and transfer him to a dim room where he gets tied to a chair Reservoir Dogs-style.

A punch right in the face sends the hapless bow-and-arrow-man tumbling, bonking his head against the floor. Like this: BONK.

Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4

Now you’re speaking my language!

“Gotcher passport, man,” says one of these well-dressed henchmen. “No weapons, though? That’s crazy.

“In his car,” says another. “He had a bow in the car.”

“Don’t take the Amex Black,” Barton stammers. “Please — Hill will kill me.”

“After we mail your head to Captain America, I’m gonna sell this thing on eBay.”

A woman named Madame Masque “ahems” at the men and takes the passport. “Lights out. Take him up to my room now.”

In this case, “lights out” is a punch to the ol’ head. Then, he’s still tied to a chair but just in another room now. After coming to, he correctly assumes that Madame Masque and Barton are here in Madripoor for the same thing. “The tape. Somebody got the tape, and if it gets out – well, I’m dead and a lot of people are in trouble. I’m here for the same reason you are…”

“…I want to try and buy it.”

Madame Masque has a look of “brrrtt!!!” on her face. “I could just kill you now and short-circuit everybody’s problems,” she says. “To say nothing of saving myself millions of dollars.”

Yeah, Barton is getting outsmarted here. Madame Masque knows that the tape is worth billions.

“An Avenger? On tape committing the assassination of the world’s most wanted criminal terrorist? I should be able to bid just like any of you people,” Barton says. And just what does he mean by “you people”? I think we all know here. Masked people.

When asked for proof that Barton has the funds, Barton manspreads showing off his delicious package. “Look, I’m not exactly thrilled either but none of your guy goons bothered to check. Whereas I have no wallet or passport…”

Madame Masque is like “yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I fucking get it” and starts rooting around for about four panels. “I’m going to hang onto this for safekeeping,” she says, having finally procured the smelly credit card from the annals of, uh… “and to make sure you don’t get up to any more shenanigans.”

No shenanigans here, ma’am! Promises promises! He gets taken back to his room, which will now be heavily guarded until morning. They throw his tied-to-a-chair ass onto his bed and, after complaining about needing a sandwich, Barton falls asleep rather immediately.

Assassins scour the room.

Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4

Whoops, we accidentally let five trained murderers into the room! Silly us!

Meanwhile, Madame Masque gets confirmation that the credit card is indeed legit. “S.H.I.E.L.D. must want this tape back quite badly,” she says.

And so the auction begins! The little auctioneer nerd lays out the facts. “Today you are bidding on one video tape. It has been viewed by two people, both now deceased. Its credentials are impeccable. Its content one of a kind. Footage of Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, committing a political assassination sanctioned by S.H.I.E.L.D. and, ergo, the United States government. Let’s start the bidding at… One hundred million euros.”

This tape sounds like something else, don’t it? It’s too bad I personally taped over with six episodes of Monk. Oh, that Tony Shaloub. That man can really get under my skin!

People bid. The bidding goes up and up. 120, 150, 200, 300, 305…

“One billion,” says a stoic Madame Masque. The auctioneer goes “!”. Then stops the bidding with a last call. “Going once… going twice…”

“Sold to Madame Masque for the startling price of one billion euros.”

That’s a lot of Pokemon cards! That’s a lot of Big Macs! Just think what else a billion smackers will get you. That’s a lot of Snickers bars!

People are hella mad at her.

The smiling auctioneer places the tape in her hands, and she requests round-the-clock security at her room and an escort the next morning to the airport. And a bag of gummi worms!

Madame Masque returns to her room…

…and she’s actually an impos-tor!

Kate Bishop saves the day again!

Hawkeye (Vol. 4), Issue #4

This isn’t the sex tape I paid a billion buckaroonies on!

Final Thoughts

Barton falling asleep on his hotel bed while tied to a chair AND a group of assassins skulking five inches away is pretty damn funny, actually. Putting the “comic” back in “comics”, Matt Fraction. Me likey!

Natasha Vaynblat

Natasha Vaynblat

Natasha Vaynblat’s Official Website

(2023) We’re All Dads Here

We’re All Dads Here (2023)
Rating: Good

Natasha Vaynblat - We're All Dads Here

Natasha Vaynblat is a 35-year-old woman who was born in Russia and moved to America when she was seven years old. But this isn’t all that she’s about! She tells you about her pooping idiosyncrasies, buttholes with teeth, and her dog’s desire to get in on her sexual escapades. Now, I was worried at first that Vaynblat was going to be a Sarah Silverman-type — a cute, little woman with a sailor’s vocabulary and a predisposition for the scatological. One of her first jokes was about her vagina leaking chlorine during water yoga. We’ve all been there, right fellas?

Luckily, things picked up when Vaynblat started talking about life in New York City, its rat problem, its subway problem, and how to fend off catcallers. Comedians have beaten NYC to death for decades, but Vaynblat offers a fresh perspective on one of the world’s most notorious cities. For instance, she refers to the NYC subway system as a year-round haunted hayride. “The lights suddenly shut off occasionally, the performers will jump out at you from all angles…” Quirks abound with Vaynblat’s point of view and, like all good comedians, she’s good at pulling you into the way she sees the world.

The strongest material comes from her Russian upbringing. Her parents sound endlessly sweet, if not bewildered by American customs to this day. I’m sure her parents are dead-on typical caricatures of Russian immigrants, but her descriptions of how her father will argue relentlessly as a means to make genial conversation (“Boris, you’ve made a new friend today!“) or how her mother will get catfished by an online individual pretending to be Bryan Ferry (“Nice job, Bryan.“) are very funny and oddly relatable in the “Boomers being fools” sense. My favorite joke is how Vaynblat describes trying to get into a Russian museum for free as an adult by pretending to be a citizen and successfully attempting to get past the security guard (“You appear to be American. You smile at strangers, which is pathetic. And your eyeshadow is too subtle. BUT, you seem to have little respect for authority and you try to cheat the system, so come on in!“)

Other highlights include Vaynblat’s ordeal with fraudulent credit card charges where it turns out that she was mistakenly charging herself without her knowledge and then reimbursing herself for months, and her idea that women should have a Mr. Skin-type website that pinpoints the exact timestamp in movies where “the man apologizes”. So, see? As it turns out, it’s not all scatological humor! Vaynblat has range, and I look forward to seeing what else she can cook up in the future.

Batman: The Long Halloween, Issue #10 – “Chapter Ten: Independence Day”

* Part 10 of 13 of the Batman: The Long Halloween limited series *

Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Batman: The Long Halloween, Issue #10 – “Chapter Ten: Independence Day”! In the previous installment, Bruce cries about his dead dad while reminiscing about how he saved Carmine Falcone’s life once. Maroni’s dad gets shot right in front of him by Holiday, no now it’s truly personal. Maroni enlists Harvey Dent’s help in evening the score against Falcone…

WHO IS HOLIDAY?! Is it Bruce Wayne? That would be hilarious!

Batman: The Long Halloween, Issue #10 [September, 1997]
Written by: Jeph Loeb
“Chapter Ten: Independence Day”

Batman: The Long Halloween, Issue #10

Someone dies right away in Issue #10. Some fat, frowny guy from the Gotham City Coroner. We’ll catch up with his dead ass later. Right now we get to see Bruce Wayne hang out with Selina Kyle at Wayne Manor on the Fourth of July (boring, that sounds boring).

He wonders why he still considers it his father’s house when he has lived there just as long as he had. Selina asks him why he stays in Gotham City. And he’s like “I left but I came back because I wanted to”. Selina wants to know why, in spite of everything lately — Poison Ivy, the Attorney General up his ass, the various holidays that remind him that his (dead) parents are dead – why the fuck he’s sticking around now? Why? Why? Why?

Because he’s Batman, you bonehead. Don’t you recognize the lower half of his face? Jesus.

Selina Kyle seduces him, tells him that she knows places that they could go together. *winky winky* They kiss, then that Batsignal shines in the sky. I can hear him groaning from here, pants tight with his 1.5” erection, having to leave to go see…

…Harvey Dent. He’s the Batsignal man today, and he needs to talk tout suite. “Remember the deal we made?” Dent asks, flipping a coin over and over again on his thumb deftly. “You. Me. Jim Gordon. Right here. To bring down the Roman.”

Oh he remembers, all right. You don’t forget something like that!

 Batman: The Long Halloween, Issue #10

Bruce gave me a wedgie then kicked me down an elevator shaft from the 45th floor of Gotham Tower. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Harvey Dent says that Maroni’s gonna testify against Falcone. After that, things will cool down. Dent’s gonna leave the city for a while afterward. Take some time off. Ditch his smelly wife and go see Mickey Mouse.

But there’s still some business to attend to, unfortunately, because buzzkill Jim Gordon shows up to the roof to let the two of them know that Holiday has claimed yet another victim. This time a civilian down at the docks. Let’s go take a look! Maybe we can poke the corpse with a stick!

Salvatore Maroni is currently rotting behind bars. He has a visitor: some nerd named Vernon. We remember Vernon, right? Harvey Dent’s assistant. Mr. Maroni’s “friend”. Also, Sofia Falcone is there to talk to him too. Catch up on some old business. Vernon, am-scray. Go fondle a dildo somewhere else, boy.

“I went to prison for you, Sal,” Sofia glares. “I didn’t squawk. I didn’t ask for anything in return. But, when the police came for me, I didn’t name you.” And Maroni doesn’t care about that right now. He’s looking after Numero Uno right now.

Then she says she missed him.

Then they kiss through the bars.

And I’m vomiting right now.

 Batman: The Long Halloween, Issue #10


“Poppa knows it was Dent who got you into this mess,” she says, love in her tender little eyeballs. “Without Dent, everybody lays off. I know you’ll do the right thing, Sal…”

Back at Casa de Gordon, Gilda Dent frowns sullenly over a cup of coffee. She asks Barbara Gordon why they stay in Gotham City. It fucks everyone up irrevocably. And it’s like, duh lady, Jim is a police captain. They can’t just leave. Plus, a baby and such. Gilda continues looking forlorn.

“When Harvey first started at the District Attorney’s office – they used to call him ‘Apollo’ — the Golden Boy. He was so handsome. He could do no wrong. But every day. This ‘Roman’ case. It’s like it’s eating him from the inside out. He’s… changing.”

OK, Dramatic Debbie. Take a chill pill. Harvey’s juuuuuust fine. See? *watches Harvey explode into 17,000 pieces*

Jim Gordon shows his friends the murder scene at the docks. The murder was at point-blank range. Holiday can get close to his/her victims… he/she knows them… caresses them… “I’ve seen you get close without anybody noticing,” Gordon says, shooting daggers at the stern-faced Batman. Batman just silently scowls at Gordon with a “fuck you, buddy” demeanor.

 Batman: The Long Halloween, Issue #10

I got pretty close to your mother last night without you noticing, asshole.

Meanwhile, Catwoman skulks at the docks…

Gordon asks Batman why the coroner got got. He has no connection to the Falcone family, right? Batman thinks that Harvey Dent might be connection. Where was he at the time of the killing? Enjoying a TV dinner? Not bloody likely!

The two of them see fireworks in the sky, which is weird because the city already shot off all their fireworks. Batman finds this alarming and disappears swiftly, leaving Gordon going “buh?” in the night.

At the Gotham Bank Depository, a couple of guards get obliterated with a rogue firework. This seems important. Moving on!

A lot going on in this issue! We now find the Scarecrow and his Mad Hatter buddy on a horse and carriage full of sacks of money. Mad Hatter sPeAks iN HiS oNlinE wAy about the Walrus and the Carpenter. Scarecrow humors him for some reason even though hanging out with a crazy guy doesn’t seem very fun to me.

AND THEN SUDDENLY BATMAN DESCENDS FROM THE SKY BLAHRBAHRAHABRLHB. He says stuff like “you’re not stealing the money today!” and “get your flabby asses back to Arkham Asylum!” Batman figures out they’re working for the Roman.

“During the escape, I inhaled some of the Scarecrow’s fear gas,” Batman thinks, addled as all get-out. “My mind was violated. “My childhood fears of my parents’ murders overcame me. I try not to enjoy breaking Crane’s [Scarecrow’s] ribs.”

Man, does Scarecrow get hella punched! Right in the breadbasket! “Ouch” he says, probably. Mad Hatter draws out a double-barreled pistol and aims at Batman’s fat head. He starts shooting willy-nilly, missing everything.

AND THEN SUDDENLY CATWOMAN DESCENDS FROM THE SKY BLAHRBAHRAHABRLHB and lands on the Mad Hatter’s head. Batman looks at her in a disgruntled manner. “You’ve been following me. At the police headquarters. On the docks.” Catwoman deflects. “I like all this money that’s just sitting there,” she smiles smugly. Purringly.

“The Roman orchestrated all of this. Do you want to help?”

“That’s not what I had in mind. Your loss.”

Then she prances away, leaving Batman alone with a grumbling pair of insane sad-sacks.

Final Thoughts

Catwoman sucks. Someone should blow her ass up with fireworks.

East of West, Issue #43 – “Famine”

* Part 14 of 16 of the The Apocalypse: Year Three storyline *

Welcome to Ghostliness & Nerfherders Presents: East of West, Issue #43 – “Famine”! In the previous installment, we battle between the Three Unreasonable Horsemen and the One More Reasonable Horseman breaks out on the ground. This is a flashback, you see. Death kills the three. Bel Solomon kills Death.

The most groundbreaking information from this flashback is that War is in love with Death and Death doesn’t return the sentiment. Does it explain a lot? Maybe! I’d have to go back and read through the series again for any subtext, but I don’t know why I didn’t see this coming a mile away.

This flashback was the only event of Issue #42. We’ll probably pick up where we left off with the Archibald/Xiaolian clash already in progress!

East of West, Issue #43 [October, 2019]
Written by: Jonathan Hickman

East of West, Issue #43

We’ve taken everything you love.

War, Conquest, and Famine are hangin’ with Babylon and Balloon. Babylon asks if his dad is hurt or ok; the two different states of being. Well, War says he’ll keep his end of the deal. But Death? The loose cannon? Who fucking knows?

Anyway, this War/Death thing goes back millennia. Eons. Conquest tells Babylon to forget about it, it’s trivial and stupid and full of weird Horseman horomones. “So… you ready to go to school? It’s a short walk to begin the long journey of becoming the Great Beast.”

So where to, Chuckles? In a nutshell, when two or more Horsemen are together they can shape the world in a way no man can. Conquest proves this by taking a huge sword and whacking the lake with it, opening a staircase. That’s convenient! Let’s descend, shall we? Age before beauty. Hup two.

Down the stairs into the underground leads to a vast, open desert.

“So what’s this place called?” asks Babylon.

“It’s the Valley of the Gods,” Famine answers. “We died here.”

Let’s see if you can take it back.

Near the Armistice, Freeman and Wolf wait for the clash. Freeman says waiting is the worst part. Wolf disagrees. The worst part is the unnecessary conflict and carnage. That’s an easy lob and you whiffed it, Freeman.

“Why are you talking like our hands are clean in all this, Wolf? Brother… they are not.”

East of West, Issue #43

It will surely be a lovely wedding!

Wolf doesn’t argue with that. He gets a bit introspective sometimes, clouding his vision of what will actually happen. These two mopes, Archibald and Mao, they’re going to fucking kill each other. “And we’re going to what… just watch?” Wolf asks rather incredulously. Freeman smiles wryly. “Yes,” he responds. “We are going to watch.”

Meanwhile, Archibald and Bel Solomon pore over their war plans and maps and charts and journals and fanfictions.

“Are you as thrilled as I am at the prospect of victory?” Archibald asks earnestly.

“Go to hell,” Bel grumbles. He still has his hands tied behind his back BDSM-style.

The General warns Archibald that there are thousands more force than they expected. Archibald answers with a mighty “Hrmpt!” and tells him to hold all their forces. Bel hopes Archibald chokes on all this spilled blood.


Mao’s armies attack in full force. Loaded tanks. Screaming soldiers. Bloodshed and butchery.

“How long has it been since you actually faced someone as a man?” Bel asks his fancy mustachioed friend. “Did you think they would just give up and run?”

Pffft, Archibald has so many Aces up his sleeve that he had to buy 50 packs of cards. That’s 200 Aces! Let ‘em fucking retaliate! Watch this:

THUNK! THUNK! Giant machine gun robots! Like something out of Star Wars. They stomp and blast and blast and stomp. Mao grits her teeth. This bites! She wasn’t expecting this! Hrmpt!

Let us take a break from the wartime pleasantries and focus on Death at the Axis. He spends days descending the endless staircase. He walks the bridge and visits his eyeless Oracle buddy. His rhyming eyeball pipes in that Death has another eye to give!

East of West, Issue #43

Roses are red / violets are blue / you look like a monkey, and you smell like one too / Amen

Let us get back to the wartime pleasantries! “It’s a shame, really. I expected more. But what is life, except a series of disappointments.” Archibald takes a fat drag of his cigar and watches his enemies blow up and burn.

“You’re slaughtering them.” Bel’s eyes bug out.

“Yes. Like the swine they are…” Archibald’s eyes also bug out. “See them scream, Mister Solomon. See them squeal…”

“We’re not just ending a nation here today… we are putting an end to a rival for all time. I want to extinguish the very idea of them as a people. I want them erased from history. Do you know what that is called, Bel?”

“What, goddamn you? What?”

“It is called…”

“VICTORY!” screams remnants of Mao’s army.

“We knew that Chamberlain had some new machinery of war… we just had to draw them out. Are our people in place?” asks Xiaolian from a high precipice.

“Yes, great Mao.”

“Then send word to what we buried in the battlefield.”

Fire starts raining down from the sky. Widowmakers plunge into the field. Some leap atop the giant Star Wars robots and drop bombs into the cockpits.

Now there’s a standoff on the ground between Mao’s army and Archibald’s army. Archibald’s team is sending in a shuttle. A literal shuttle, one that looks like it could be launched in space and blown up due to faulty design just like Challenger!

East of West, Issue #43

Oh, I uh must have left it with the laundry or something.

The Confederacy blows everyone up with large bombs. Archibald is smug. Mao is infuriated.

And just like that, the issue is over? I was just getting started!

Final Thoughts

Rrrrgghhh! I need more! Two issues left? They’re going to wrap this up in two issues? My ass on a platter they will!

Oh well.

Stripcreatin’ Batch #3 – Chandler Bing Is Only Dead in Our Hearts



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