Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #489 – “Killer’s Bane”

* Part 12 of 14 of the Batman: Prelude to Knightfall event *

Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #489 – “Killer’s Bane”! In the previous installment of the Prelude to Knightfall story, A mysterious bald creep named The Cypher was using hypnosis and subliminal messaging to kill the leads of the Echo Project for reasons that are unclear at this time. Lucius Fox almost jumped off a bridge, but Azrael caught him at the last moment and we all jumped for joy since 95% of DC fans think Lucius Fox is their favorite character.

Also, I just killed a bug with an electric flyswatter.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #489 [February, 1993]
Written by: Doug Moench
“Killer’s Bane”

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #489

“Six months ago: Given the darkness, he must be dead. Given the company, it is not a pleasant place. So, then… this is Hell.”

Images of bats flying around and demonic visages wearing Batman cowls flood the page and it’s scaring the bejeesus out of me so badly that I’m going to have to close the comic book for a few hours.

Whew, I feel better. Narration tells us all that it rained a whole lot back in August. Nine hours of rainfall; all the water washed down around 7,000 storm drains where it sped through the tunnels at the speed of… well, rushing water I suppose.

There’s a guy in the sewers who supposedly died of water, and now the demons of Hell have unleashed more water upon him as punishment! What actually happens is this: the water pushes some giant turd dude out of a storm drain outlet after miraculously not dying from anything. He’s a bumpy, green monster man who spends the next six months eating rats and sleeping in trash and fighting various beasts like a) alligators, and b) Batman.

Then it starts snowing. And this beady red-eyed sad-sack of a subhuman munches on a rat carcass, he sleeps while he’s awake now and he can’t distinguish nightmares from reality anymore. He looks like the Hulk, all green with purple pants. A more stringy Hulk. A rat-eating Hulk.

Bruce Wayne HIMSELF has booked an appointment with Dr. Kinsolving. She wants to meet him in the botanical gardens at 2pm sharp so that she can throw magic plants at his face.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #489

Nerd alert!

Hulk Jr. remembers now that it’s people who are the jerks, not rats. It’s people that he needs to destroy. And he remembers that he has to be scary and vengeful toward people now. And that’s a villain for ya!

A traipse around the botanical gardens with Dr. Kinsolving is just what the doctor ordered. Literally! Kinsolving thinks Bruce’s problems are psychosomatic (which means he’s fuckin’ faking it!), but more likely he’s just stressed, and stress is a bitch, and he needs some rest.

“I don’t favor drug treatment as a rule,” she says, “but your body is clearly exhausted and for some reason your mind refuses to concede the fact.” That’s called being a stubborn little bitchcake. “Even hypnosis hasn’t worked…” she adds. Yeah, because hypnosis is lame. Idiot.

Kinsolving suggests sedatives. I say give Bruce a big ol’ horse tranquilizer suppository three times a day. “Can you think of any reason for your resistance to rest?” she asks him. “Any reason you can’t let up?”

Yeah, toots. He’s Batman. He thinks he runs the town with his big swinging dick and he’ll never give that shit up even if it kills him fifteen times over. “I guess I’m just… driven,” he responds. Basically, “no”.

After insisting he has tremendous responsibilities, Kinsolving tells him to knock it off. He will never knock it off. “So maybe I’ll just… burn out,” he says, hanging his head down pathetically.

“Given your condition, any normal person would have snapped by now,” Kinsolving says. And then when Bruce says that maybe he HAS snapped, Kinsolving tells him he has done it with aplomb and grace! That will be $1,250 for the session, please.

When Kinsolving makes a reference to committing a mass shooting at a shopping mall, Bruce frowns and goes DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM, MY PARENTS WERE MURDERED BY GUNS AND I HATE GUNS AND IF YOU EVEN SO MUCH AS LOOK LIKE A GUN I WILL FUCK YOU SIDEWAYS. Kinsolving is like “oh yeah, I forgot” and then suggests some therapy for the whole parents-got-murdered thing. You know. If the sedatives work.

“At this point, more than anything, you need someone – someone who genuinely cares – and you’ve got to believe in me as a person, not just a doctor.” Then she tells him to shut up and stop arguing and go home and go to bed.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #489

It also makes him a little horny, which may be even worse.

Bane (remember that little scamp?) is watching the footage on TV of this green dude throwing cars around. “Who is he, Bird?” he asks his mulleted companion. “Killer Croc?” he responds. “He’s a freak, Bane – with the mother of all skin problems…”

He used to be a crimelord until he got green and scaly, punching police cars and making a fracas. “What happened?” asks Bane. And Bird, with an aforementioned mullet that I can’t stop staring at since it’s so majestic, tells him that Killer Croc whacked some other crimelord named Squid, but Squid’s mooks refused to back down. So Killer Croc vowed to take out the Batman in order to prove himself to be Top Dog of Bone Mountain.

Bane is like “huh, interesting, maybe I should kill Batman instead” and then grabs his Bane mask like he’s going to do it right now while Wheel of Fortune is on.

Tim “Robin Sucks” Drake is also watching the same news program. “Batman’s gotta respond to this,” he says while Alfred scrapes poop off the fine china over a hot kitchen sink. He scowls. “I told you, Timothy – he’s just begun a week’s treatment of sedatives.”

Cut to Bruce sleeping his bed like a cozy little lamb.

Tim argues that not showing up to beat up Killer Croc is just going to invite all the weirdos over to Gotham again. Alfred is like “yeah, punk, this is why Bruce is so tired and worn out in the first place”.

Tim has a brilliant idea! And it involves stuffing hot cherry peppers with prosciutto and mozzarella. Fuck yeah.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #489

Not pictured: Paul aiming his shotgun at the world’s most conspicuous home invader.

Guess what, Paul? You have to wear a Batman costume now and pretend to be the best crimefighter on the planet. Think you can handle that, you insufferable dork?

Meanwhile, Bane looks for Killer Croc because he’ll attract Batman, and Killer Croc invades a mall and starts throwing benches at people. “Lousy freaks!” says the freak.

“Batman” and Robin hear the news from the police radio. Let’s go!

Bane hears the news from the police radio. Let’s go!

Bruce is snoring in his bed. “N-no… mother… father…” he whimpers.

The police watch as “Batman” and Robin enter the mall. “About time,” one of the cops says uselessly.

Bane intends to enter the mall through the sewers.

Killer Croc punches a couple of mannequins that he thinks are making fun of him. He then catches a glimpse of a scrawny piece-of-shit version of Batman and lunges at him. “You… that Bat-Demon again… I wrestle you… in my nightmares…” Then he punches walls.

Bane has popped up through a grate. He is in the mall!

“Batman” and Robin are fighting Killer Croc with minimal success.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #489

He’s too beefy, sir! We need to try psychological torture!

The three of them catch Bane on the security camera. The distraction helps Killer Croc put “Batman” in a choke-hold of sorts like he’s rasslin’ gators. But then both “Batman” and Robin punch him a couple times and he gets launched in front of a standing, menacing-looking Bane.

Bane is filled with that Venom stuff and kicks the fucking crap out of Killer Croc. Even Killer Croc is impressed! Much stronger than Batman! Like, holy cow, my testicles have been kicked into my brain!

Killer Croc is down for the count, all bloody and misshapen by broken bones and what-have-you. Bane then turns to Robin. “I’m Bane…” he says, introducing himself cordially. “…you’re not the Batman,” he continues staring at the imposter nerd before storming away.

The REAL Batman is the one to contend with.

You know, the one crying in his sleep right now. “P-please… h-help me…” he moans. LOL

Final Thoughts

Man, it’s just going to be miserable, pathetic Batman from here on out, isn’t it? That means more focus on Robin and his flat top. Which means I still won’t see Alfred put on the mask and bone four chicks at once.

A man can dream.

Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3), Issue #18 – “Torn (Part 6)”

* Part 6 of 6 of the Torn storyline *

Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) Issue #18 – “Torn (Part 6)”! In the previous installment, who cares. Let’s finish this godforsaken storyline as soon as possible so I can go back to my Wario Land 3 game on Nintendo Switch Online.

Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3), Issue #18 [December, 2006]
Written by: Joss Whedon
“Torn (Part 6)”

Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3), Issue #18

The cover art depicts the soccer team of a high school in Kentucky. Just blonde white girls as far as the eye can see.

The splash page tells me this, which I missed from the last issue with respect to Kitty’s baby: “All this was an elaborate telepathic trick to lead Kitty to release STUFF, the organic prison of Cassandra Nova. With Stuff out of the box, the whereabouts of Cassandra Nova are still in question.” So, yeah, we were supposed to figure that one out? Maybe I’m too dumb for Joss Whedon’s X-Men comics.

Also, Scott didn’t shoot Emma Frost. He shot the White Queen, of course! “So, honey… you ready to talk about this?” he asks her as she writhes on the floor bloodily.

Nova tries to grab Scott’s head and do some Jedi mind tricks, but Scott, to Nova’s complete angry surprise, shoves her hand out of the way. “Can’t mess with my mind, lady… I already lost it.” Then he makes a 65 IQ face and we return to the action at hand.

Blindfold is the one telepathically bolstering Scott up and helping him maintain coherent thoughts for the moment, but she will soon be attacked by Beast and that will prove to be a hefty, unwanted distraction.

“Professor McCoy,” Blindfold says to the growling, feral blue so-and-so currently snarling at her. “are you going to eat me?”

She then gets into his head and tells him that he already ate, and also that Scott warned her that Beast might have lost his dang marbles. “He told me, if I couldn’t reach you, I had to give you this.” Blindfold presents a box that says “PROPERTY OF HANK MCCOY. DO NOT TOUCH.” It appears to Beast as a ball of red yarn. “Just in case. He said. Just in case.”

Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3), Issue #18

Knit me a sweater, fucker.

Meanwhile, Ord and Robot Medusa keep smashing through the school looking for Peter Colossus. The computer continues to scramble up Robot Medusa’s works; too much interference. But she’s sure that he’s around here somewhere! Mmm-hmm! Right around the corner!

“Can’t you just bring their computer to life?” Ord asks, punching walls.

“As I learned with the wild sentinel, that doesn’t insure compliance. Which is, I suppose, as it should be,” Robot Medusa responds, using “insure” instead of “ensure” and making me punch walls myself.

A sudden KRASSH! tells Robot Medusa that Colossus is near and they’ll enjoying a friendly round of dominoes shortly.

Colossus regains consciousness after a bout of unconsciousness, apparently, to the welcoming milky eyes of Scott Summers. “Pete, hey,” Scott smiles as he continues shooting what I presume to be members of the Hellfire Club. “You would not believe the day I’m having.”

The gunshots draw the attention of Ord and Robot Medusa, who begin to head in that direction until bubble-suited Hisako slams their heads together. Ord tries to hold her up against a wall, but Hisako is able to punch the shit out of him and avenge Wing as a result! You know, the dead kid? Who cares, right? Precisely!

While both Ord and Robot Medusa are distracted by telling Hisako that she will just about get murdered courtesy of their handsome, perfect fists, Wolverine pops up to punch Robot Medusa’s head clean off her body.

Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3), Issue #18

0110101001011011100001101101001001101 this, fucker.

Kitty snaps out of whatever baby-loving trance she has been in for the better part of two issues and sees the STUFF for what it actually is: a revolting blobby maggot on the floor. “You gotta find her, Kitty,” Peter says as she frowns heavily, knowing what he’ll say next. “You’ve got to save Emma.”

Robot Medusa puts her own head back on. The fight continues among her, Ord, Wolverine, and Hisako. After Robot Medusa praises her impenetrable adamantium body, she and Ord are suddenly drawn to the ceiling where they become quite stuck! Beast enters the room dressed in a fancy suit with a red bowtie. “There’s a master of magnetism blows in and out of here now and again, makes all manner of trouble. So I’ve been tinkering.”

Giant-ass magnet saves the day again, and Beast credits the ball of yarn for returning him to his docile, civilized state. Yarn laced with pheromones, aerosol, smart drugs, light sequences, and cookie crumbs. It rewires the brain! And how about you, Wolverine? Can of beer did the trick? Remarkable!

An injured Hisako tells them that the Hellfire Club is causing quite a ruckus, especially Emma Fucking Frost. Beast, using that intuitive brain of his, knows it’s not the real Emma. It’s some sort of White Queen-type Emma. No time to explain, let’s go!

Real Emma is rotting in a hole starving and about to die. She sees a brilliant white light. She sees an angel emerge from the incandescence. It reaches for Emma’s hand, but it’s all a hallucination. “Noo… not for me…” Emma mumbles. “I belong… below…”

The angel is actually Kitty. “Cry me a river, bitch. We’re going up.”

Scott says there’s no Hellfire Club.

Nova tells Emma that they’re ready.

Robot Medusa estimates seven minutes until full internal systems reroute.

“Did any of you ever see any more than one of them at a time?” Scott asks the room. Beast saw Nova. Peter saw Shaw. Kitty saw the Warhead kid. But no, you’re right, Scott. Something dang fishy is dang ol’ going on.

Nova keeps talking to Emma about getting her consciousness out of the maggot thing while the X-Men slowly figure shit out… Shaw was never here, but was it Emma that pulled the strings? Did she stick Nova’s consciousness into the blob? Maybe. Is Nova trying to worm her way into Emma’s brain? Maybe.

Then, out of nowhere, Scott starts talking about guilt.

Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3), Issue #18

It is her fault, though. Emma Frost sucks.

Kitty isn’t having it right now. She was stuck with three years of fake memories about a kid she never really had and doesn’t want to hear Scott give that cunt any leeway. She grabs the gun from Scott and aims it at Emma. Nova, in Emma’s head, attempts to keep her focused on giving up that juicy, juicy, conscious brain of hers.

“Doesn’t anybody care about what she did to us?” Kitty asks the room while keeping the gun trained on Emma’s temple. Beast is like, yeah, she made us confront our worst fears. Pretty noble, actually! No one needs therapy anymore! And Scott, well, Emma stripped him of his eyeball powers. He can actually see clearly now.

“Kitty, understand… Cassandra brought you here to open the box. What Emma brought you here to do…” he motions toward the sad-sack Emma sitting on the floor, “… is what you’re doing now.”

“Do it now,” the Nova in Emma’s brain instructs.

Scott gets right up in Emma’s face and tells her, if she’s still in there somewhere, that she can still stop Nova.

Emma speaks up. “Go to hell.”

And whether that was for Scott or for Nova is unclear. Ord and Robot Medusa tear into the room (the magnet stopped holding, I guess) and start manhandling Colossus. Agent Brand and her ship hovers over the school and starts beaming them up – Colossus, Ord, and Robot Medusa. “Strap ‘em in, all engines to rapid,” orders Brand. “Set course for the Breakworld.”

And that’s that! All in four panels! We get shit done around here!

Final Thoughts

I’m glad that things came together in the end and, finally, I can say that I understood what was happening for the last five issues! Perhaps this was the plan all along, and the story warrants re-reading to get the most out of it.

Ha! Got you there for a second! I ain’t re-reading shit. See you next time.

Season 9, Episode 11 – “Miracle on Evergreen Terrace”

The Simpsons, Season 9, Episode 11 - Miracle on Evergreen Terrace

“Miracle on Evergreen Terrace”

Original Air Date:
December 21, 1997
Directed by:
Bob Anderson
Written by:

Ron Hauge


When Bart accidentally burns down the family’s Christmas tree and gifts, he claims that a robber stole everything. As a result, the town gets them a new tree and pitches in to raise funds.


Alex Trebek is pretty pointless, but they get a good joke out of trying to shake Marge down for money after getting negative points on Jeopardy.


Remember “Marge Be Not Proud” from Season 7? Bart stole a video game and almost ruined Christmas until he pulled through at the end. It was an after-school special if any episode was one. Now imagine if, instead, Bart burned down a Christmas tree, actually did ruin Christmas, was directly involved in getting the whole town to turn against the family, and got all their belongings looted. Definitely not the after-school special vibe anymore, is it?

I like this episode for exactly that reason. Everything breaks bad and gets worse and worse until the end when the family is content to spend Christmas chasing each other around the house for a washcloth, the only personal item they have left. Once in a while the family loses. Something goes too far and they don’t necessarily get what they deserve. And no one learns anything. I’m not sure how often an episode like this happens anymore; one with a dark ending that causes that cynical pang in your stomach that something is completely warped and wrong with Springfield. “Homer’s Enemy” is another great example of an episode that ends on an unsettling note. Maybe even “Bart’s Comet” or “Marge vs. the Monorail”. I could keep going.

I didn’t like all of it. The Jeopardy! bit was shoehorned in for sure to get Alex Trebek on the show, as previously mentioned. They reused a couple of jokes: Homer parks across three handicap spaces, sound familiar? And some of the plot smacks of dumb, like Bart dragging the melted Christmas tree mess out to the yard out bury it. Is this just a nod at how stupid and not forward-thinking Bart actually is? Or is it writers being lazy? It’s starting to get hard to tell.

The episode is saved by tone. A net positive, and the last good Christmas episode.

The Simpsons, Season 9, Episode 11 - Miracle on Evergreen Terrace


The story for this episode was pitched as “It’s a Wonderful Life in reverse.”
I don’t know enough about It’s a Wonderful Life to know if it’s true, other than the near-suicide and the Jimmy Stewart, but this episode didn’t have enough near-suicide and Jimmy Stewart. Strike one.

Lisa strangles Bart for the first time.
It took nine years for her to wrap her little hands around Bart’s throat? Wasted time, Lisa. Strike two.

This is one of the few episodes to gain a TV-G rating.
Strike fucking three.

When Homer arrives at Try-N-Save, he parks across three disabled parking spaces.
Hello there, Trivia Contributor! Are you a writer for later-era Simpsons where you explain every joke right in front of us??? What an honor!


Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66

Welcome to Archieness & Riverdalers Presents: Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66!

Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66 [September, 1979]

Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66

”With Flying Colors”

Archie has a story to tell! It all started when he and Chuck had really been getting into shape for the Big Competition. Or whatever!

“I feel in tip-top shape!” says Chuck. “How about you?”

“Great!” yells Archie. He goes for one more pole vault and then opts to rest and relax. Like a swan. Like a gazelle. Like a majestic mongoose. Archie vaults over the bar.

“Boys, even if you don’t take first place, at least beat Westside High,” says Coach Kleats. Coach Kleats is fat and washed-up. “Their crumbum coach, Mike Torgen, will never let me forget it if we don’t!”

Oh man, we can’t let a guy named “Mike Torgen” make a fool out of Riverdale High! Archie is on board with whatever it takes to skunk the Torgen. Meanwhile, two spies from Westside High (YOU CAN TELL BECAUSE THEY WEAR SHIRTS WITH LARGE “W’s” ON THEM) are getting nervous. Riverdale sure looks athletic and sweaty and glistening and succulent. They report their findings to Coach MIKE TORGEN, who has an Inspector Clouseau hat and mustache, and he looks angry. The fifty-yard dash and the pole vault. Nuh-uh, Riverdale. Those are Westside’s events! They need ‘em badly like they need a fine lady with large titties! Grrrr! Archie and Chuck are fucking everything up!

Well, these two Westdale punks will do anything to appease Coach Torgen. But they have no ideas, so they decide to take Dad’s boat out to the water. Good environment to rack the ol’ brains.

Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66

Wait a minute, then why did we drive six hours to the ocean?! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

As “luck” would have it, Archie and Chuck had the same idea to head to the ocean to do a little boating themselves. Rowboating, that is! With canoes and oars and shit. And they dangerously stray far from shore. “Yeah, but it’s nice and cool out here!” says Brain-Genius Archibald Andrews.

Little do our heroes know that the two douchebags from Westside High – let’s call them Geronimo and Jormpus – notice them rowboatin’ without a care in the world. “Y’know, if they was stranded on a dune island without a boat!” Jormpus thinks. And Geronimo finishes the thought: “They’d miss the meet!”

Ha! This is just what Coach Michael R. R. Torgen needs! Their grand plan is to plow right into the canoe, killing Archie and Chuck instantly. In fact, they hit the canoe so hard that Archie and Chuck go flying forty feet! “Those screwballs!” Archie says. Screwballs! You can tell Archie is upset when he uses such foul language!

“That was deliberate!” Archie yells. “They’re washing our canoe away from the island!”

And indeed, Jormpus and Geronimo have successfully stranded Archie and Chuck on an island and away from the meet! Success! HA HA HA!! Fuck ‘em.

Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66

Boy, boys, put the knives away!

As the meet proceeds, Kleats gets hella nervous! The rest of the 900 boys aren’t meeting expectations! “Without Chuck and Archie we’ll lose their events and we’ll be sunk!”

Too bad Chuck and Archie decided to play Canoe Boys instead of just hanging around at home drinking their protein shakes and icing their glutes. If they swam to shore, they would be too tired to pole vault! And if they stayed on the island, they’d miss the meet! And if they filled their pockets with rocks and walked into the water, they’ll die! All the options are bunk!

However, in the most immense of plot holes, the duo see a kid hang gliding and remember that “Steve Mosburg teaches hang gliding out on the island.” And Steve Mosburg is a stand-up guy! He’ll teach them hang gliding in about fourteen seconds and then they can hang glide right to the fucking meet! Brain Genius!

Steve Mosburg looks like a goddamn nerd. He lets them take a couple of gliders and pretty soon Archie and Chuck are flying their way back to dry land. It’s really stupid and it’s making me hate comics forever.

“If the air currents are kind to us, we can still make it, Chuck!”

“Right on, Arch!”

These dorks deserve to nosedive right into a fucking rock, but they instead land right on the field gracefully without incident.

Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66

Spread your legs, ladies! We’re home!

“Well, it was a happy Coach Kleats who watched Chuck take his events!” Archie narrates. “And a sad Coach Torgen who saw me top his best vaulter by six inches! Well, we won the meet by a narrow margin, and everybody gave us credit!”

And by “everyone”, Archie means Dilton, Veronica, and Betty. They call them “heroes”. No Jughead, though, he’s hunched in a corner somewhere scarfing a hamburger.

“Hey, sure, boys! I’m glad you won!” says Coach Kleats. “But next time – do me a favor, will you?”

“A favor, coach?”

“Skip the dramatic entrance? Walk through the gate like everybody else!”


”Big Brother”

Veronica almost gets hit by a tree branch! This is, perhaps, supposed to create some suspense for the reader to want to keep reading. It doesn’t work for me, but I’m trying to write a blog here, so I’ll keep reading so that you don’t have to.

“It all started one summer morning as Ronnie and I were picking up some supplies for our school day camp!” Archie starts his story boringly. They witness a little kid banging on the locked gate with a rock. Always the goody-goody, Archie yells at him and tells him that this is school property and how dare you! He holds the kid by the scruff and demands an answer as to why he was trying to break into the school grounds.

Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66

Right on, kid! Cow tipping? Fire crackers in the cat’s anus? There’s only so much of that you can do!

“I turned on a fire hydrant on Sand Street to cool off, and a policeman chased me away!” the kid says after bitching about how boring Riverdale is. The kid is named Butch Morgan and he lives in the fuckin’ projects, right in between two stash houses! Veronica calls him a troublemaker and urges Archie to grab him by the ear and drag him back home to his heroin-addicted parents!

Archie has an idea: “Say, if you have nothing to do how would you like to be my guest at our camp today?” Are you fucking kidding me, geek? Butch is going to light firecrackers in your anus just for even suggesting such a dorky goddamned–

“What’s that?” Butch asks, intrigued.

“A day camp that has all kinds of activities you can have fun doing!” Archie responds jubilantly! Butch has angry eyebrows but agrees to allow Archie to drag his ass to Homo Camp (his words, not mine, I promise, lol).

Veronica is suspicious… “I think you’re crazy, Archie,” she says with an obvious air of snootiness. Archie is optimistic that THIS RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW will dissuade Butch away from a life of vandalism and debauchery. Butch hops in Archie’s ugly car and gets kidnapped and murdered.

Mr. Weatherbee stands outside the Day Camp office dressed like a circus tent. He introduces Butch to him, and Weatherbee couldn’t be more delighted to let this young ruffian run rampant around the camp creating havoc and destruction.

“Bringing him here was a nice gesture on your part, Archie!” says Weatherbee.

“I think he’s basically a nice kid!” responds Archie with the naivety of a five-year-old girl.

Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66

Oh god, the balloon was filled with horse piss!

Butch drops a water balloon on Veronica, and she starts chasing him around promising a spankin’. This is illegal in most states, but what year is this again? 1979? Yeah, never mind, child abuse was very much legal. Even encouraged! Anyway, as a token of apology, Butch offers a stick of gum. Veronica hungrily accepts it like a complete idiot – never accept gum from a ruffian! Who knows what nefarious additives are within?!

“WATER! SOMEBODY PLEASE GIVE ME WATER! IT WAS FULL OF HOT PEPPER!” Veronica runs around like a loon while Archie stands there unhelpfully in his short khaki pants. Veronica sucks down a hose. Betty calls the kid “weird”.

A barrage of pranks continues. A tripwire here, and hornet’s nest in the face there. “Archie Andrews!” yells Veronica. “I know that little creep was bad news! I tried to tell you not to bring him here, he doesn’t belong!”

Butch hides behind a tree, crestfallen. He most certainly has learned his lesson, right ladies and gentlemen? He runs away sniffing and crying like a little wuss shithead, leaving Archie to go find him and make all kinds of amends. “Come on,” Archie urges the gang. “We have to find him before he gets lost in these woods!” Personally, let the little kid get lost forever and turn into a pile of skeleton bones. See if I give HOOT!

Jughead decides to climb a mountain a hold onto a large branch to, you know, improve the lookout. It’s a dumb idea. Jughead is full of dumb ideas. The branch breaks and almost falls on Veronica, but Butch pushes her out of the way just in time! And now we’re at the beginning of the story! Thanks for reading!

Archie at Riverdale High (Vol. 1), Issue #66

You love me? Then let me squeeze dem titties.

“I was only trying to get everyone to laugh so they would like me!” Butch says falsely. Throwing a hornet’s nest isn’t funny, son. You know why? Because it didn’t hit Archie! That would’ve been preferable.

Archie tells Butch that the secret is just being himself, which, as far as I’m concerned, he totally was anyway. And it was shitty! So none of these teenagers should be giving this kid the time of day.

“Come on, I’m going to reward you with ice cream!” Veronica says, grabbing the kid’s greasy hand. “You may be his big brother, Archie, but he turned out to be mine!”

Then Butch lit an M-80 and killed Veronica. The end.

Final Thoughts

”Dear Archie, I too am a juvenile delinquent! Do you have any tips for fucking up my neighbors’ shit?”

”Dear Juvenile Delinquent, you can try smashing their mailboxes with baseball bats! That’s a classic! Thanks for writing!”

Detective Comics (Vol. 1), Issue #658 – “Deciphered”

* Part 11 of 14 of the Batman: Prelude to Knightfall event *

Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Detective Comics (Vol. 1), Issue #658 – “Deciphered”! In the previous installment of the Prelude to Knightfall story, Jean-Paul Garth Algar Azrael talks Robin into busting some heads at “Party On” Wayne Plaza because he’s bored at his security job where he spends all day keeping an eye on a stack of boxes and making sure it doesn’t fall down. Azrael almost kills a dude with a chainsaw, which alarms Robin, which in turn alarms Azrael. But we’ll work on him! He’s not really a killer! *snicker*

Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is a wuss and can’t handle the stress of being Batman right now. Alfred tucked him into bed all cozy and put some The Young and the Restless on his TV. He also feeds him oatmeal.

What else is going on? Oh yeah, Lucius Fox is going to get murdered but I’m rooting for that, actually. Sounds like it’s really going to kick this story in the right direction!

Detective Comics (Vol. 1), Issue #658 [April, 1993]
Written by: Chuck Dixon

Detective Comics (Vol. 1), Issue #658

Fifteen minutes ago they were twenty minutes away from Pierside. This is actually a very good plot setup device. I like it when certain amount of minutes ago something will happen a certain amount of minutes from then.

“He’ll be there, Robin. He’ll be there and he’ll still be alive. I know Lucius Fox. He’s stronger than that. He’ll still be alive when we reach him.”

And, as I’ve already said, if Lucius Fox is a pile of decomposing bones when they show up then I’m fine with it. Why, here’s the scamp now getting hypnotized by that bald jerk. He’s got Lucius talking to his dad, and he’s making Lucius jump off a bridge and into the water. “BUT I CAN’T, DAD! I CAN’T SWIM!” Lucius says, which is such a dadgum racist stereotype that I’m positively sitting here eating mayonnaise and not being able to dance or jump about it. “Make me proud of you, son,” Lucius is told while he grips a bar on the bridge for dear life.

Eighteen hours ago, which is twenty hours from thirty-eight hours ago, some federal agents bust into Harvey Bullock’s interrogation room and tell the fat fucker that a judge’s signature allows them to take his perp away for questioning. Bullock’s like “HE’S ALREADY GETTING QUESTIONED” but the agents are like “not by you anymore, fatty”.

And not just him. Everyone that Bullock booked. Sorry, Charlie. Maybe next time you should have just stayed home and eaten Pringles.

Sixteen hours ago, which is actually twenty-one hours ago in Greenwich Mean Time, the FBI is seizing all of the files at WayneTech. Writs, warrants, orders, and hall passes say they can, so don’t do nothing about it, Lucious Foxy. Lucius asks, sirs, what the meaning of this is! And he is told “tough titties”.

Lucius calls a guy named Roth who tells him that all these break-ins at WayneTech are linked to the “suicides”. Guess what? They were part of the other two companies working on the Echo Project. That means you’re next, sailor! *hangs up phone with enough force to break desk*

Detective Comics (Vol. 1), Issue# 658

Certainly, sir. I shall “AIM” him in the “chat room” with my “screen name” after I add him to my “buddy list”.

Bruce Wayne tells Alfred to “put a message on Tim’s computer” (i.e. a sticky note on his Apple IIe monitor) that Batman and Robin will be going out tonight on a sexy date. “But you promised to concentrate on your business affairs for the next few days,” Alfred whines. Bruce’s eyes get dangerously fiery. “HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME, CUNT??”

No, that would have been insane! What he actually says is that this is WayneTech business. “If I handle it as Bruce Wayne, we’ll be going to Lucius Fox’s funeral,” he mansplains. “Your concern is touching, Alfred. But it’s beginning to smack of mothering.”


No, that would have been insane! What he actually says is nothing and goes back to frying up some delicious eggs.

Lucius is starting to panic and decides to lie down for a lunch nap. “Buzzing in my head… like a hornet’s nest…” he says… then he starts to hear sweet, sweet, beautiful music (Pantera).

Eight hours ago, which is fifty-six hours ago in dog hours, the hypnotist murderer gets his voice ready for his making-Lucius-Fox-jump-off-a-bridge debut. “I shall be at the peak of modulation and persuasiveness. After all, The Cypher has a reputation to uphold.”

THE CYPHER, you say! A fetching nickname! Is there a Mrs. Cypher? *tugs braid nervously*

Three hours ago, Batman and Robin drive by Azrael’s house to pick him up for a lovely dinner. “What can Azrael find out for us that you couldn’t find on your own?” Robin asks defiantly. After a couple of quick slaps on the tuchus, Batman politely tells the little wetnap that it would be suspicious of Bruce Wayne was nosing around the daily affairs of his own security force. “I wasn’t sure what role Azrael would play in the scheme of things, but he’s beginning to prove invaluable.


Detective Comics (Vol. 1), Issue# 658

Looking good, Robin! I couldn’t have drawn you better myself!

Batman and Robin are going to go find Lucius while Azrael jerks off and plays Grand Theft Auto V. Also, break into Lucius Fox’s office clandestinely and see if you can find anything. This is really just a mission to get you out of our hair. You’re bothering us, kid, is what we’re saying.

Two hours ago, Lucius Fox is like “I’m going out” and his daughter is like “But dad, you promised to help me with my calculus homework” and Lucius is like “HAAAAARRRRBABLAHABAB RAAAWWWWRRRHABAHABAHAAB” and I’m barely exaggerating.

“But when will you be back, Lucius?” his wife asks. “It’s so late.”


Not at all suspicious if you ask me. His wife is like “he’s never yelled at me in my life, not even during Yell Sex”. She looks out the window at him, scared.

90 minutes ago (things are getting tense!), Batman calls Lucius’ wife and she says “he’s acting weird”. He also left the house and no one knows where he went. And Azrael hasn’t said anything in like ten hours so hopefully he didn’t die on the way to the office. Immediately after they wonder why Azrael hasn’t contacted them, Azrael contacts them. He found something! “I might even live to tell you about it,” he adds dramatically, then guys with guns show up to the office and Azrael almost doesn’t live to tell anyone about anything.

Time to call Jim Gordon to put out an APB on Lucius’ car (1970 AMC Gremlin).

60 minutes ago, I started getting bored! Also, the Cypher meets up with a fugued Lucius. “Listen to my voice. Listen to the music. We’ll talk about Echo Project and then we’ll talk about you.”

Cyper asks Lucius what he knows. He knows nothing, it’s all classified. “Tell me about yourself. Tell me about your childhood. You’re six years old. Tell me your greatest fear. Tell me your fondest wish.”

While things get cozy between Cypher and Lucius, Batman and Robin get cozy themselves. 45 minutes ago, Azrael gives them a tape of shitty muzak. “There has to be more to this,” Batman says, gritting his teeth. He sends the audio file to Alfred, who runs it through the Super Batcomputer Music Analyzer 4000. Even Alfred thinks the music sounds like garbage and he listens to a lot of Moby. The music appears to consist of three loud tracks and a quiet track that barely registers on the Batcomputer Decibel Counter. After throwing some switches, Alfred hears a whisper. Subliminal messages telling the listener to do what it says. Robin is starting to get entranced. “That voice… I could listen to it all night…”

Nope! They fast-forward and hear the command part of the recording, which tells the listener to meet Cypher at Pierside after midnight. Tell no one. Not even Batman. WAIT A MINUTE–

Detective Comics (Vol. 1), Issue# 658

Who are you again, kid? Beat it.

Five minutes ago, which is kind of where we started I guess if you were paying any attention, which I wasn’t, Lucius is gripping the bars on the bridge. “Jump into the water, son. It’s the only way you’ll learn.”

“LUCIUS! DON’T JUMP!” yells a voice.

“Who?” says Lucius.

“Damn,” says Cypher.

The End!

Cypher tells Lucius that the voice is coming from a Bad Man and that he shouldn’t listen and also jump in the fucking river. Robin kicks the radio out of Cypher’s hand. Batman goes to rescue Lucius, but he jumps before he can be stopped. Lucius snaps out of it midair, and it looks like he’s about to die!… but then Azrael (who didn’t go home as instructed and now he’ll get a spanking) swoops onto the scene with rope that’s tied to nothing and saves the jumping dude.

“I thought I told you to go home,” Batman says, not understanding that Azrael going home would have sucked for everyone.

“I would have lain awake all night wondering how this ended,” Azrael says. “I only meant to watch. Honestly.”

Batman pumps his butt full of Whoop-Ass and then thanks him for not going home. Then they hear sirens in the distance and decide to split.

Lucius gets wheeled into an ambulance while Cypher is read his rights. When asked to respond, Cypher can’t talk because he was kicked in the throat. He grits his teeth as the issue ends abruptly.

Final Thoughts

HARROWING AND SUSPENSEFUL, RIGHT FOLKS?? I like the part where the artist drew Robin like a Rorschach test and I laughed and laughed!

What’s next in this Prelude to Knightfall? I’m at the edge of my very tiny seat!